
Evaluating the Practical Aspects of Introducing Legal Tech Tools

October 29, 2019 | 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

This complimentary webinar is produced in connection with the latest Bloomberg Law Special Report.

Rapidly moving technology will have a significant impact on efficiency, cost and organizational structure in the legal industry. Law firms and corporate legal departments must determine what platforms will offer the best return and pose the fewest obstacles to adoption. While legal has generally been slow to take the plunge into tech, some larger law firms and corporations have been on the leading edge—including tailoring solutions to their own needs or building them in-house.

This webinar will examine how law firms and their clients have been impacted by legal technology over the course of 2019 and share best practices for vetting, procuring, and implementing the newest tech tools. It will bring together law firm, in-house counsel, and legal tech leaders to define key benchmarking techniques based upon case histories to help ensure successful integration and process improvement.

Educational Objectives:

• Understand what legal practice areas have experienced the most significant change in 2019 through introduction of tech tools
• Gain broader insight on particulars of the legal tech market and how to evaluate different capabilities and potential results
• Learn how introducing new technology affects organizational workflows and attitudes

Who would benefit most from attending this program?

• Law firm counsel working with legal technology
• In-house counsel implementing new technology
• Business leaders and legal operations professionals working within mid-size to large legal departments

This webinar is made possible with the support of the following sponsors: 


Speakers to be Announced
